General News
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What is Joomla! ?
Joomla! is a production of Open Source Matters, the same team that brought you the award winning Mambo Content Management System. OSM has taken their final stable version of Mambo (, given it a spring clean and named it Joomla! 1.0. In addition, several small features that were going to be released in Joomla! 1.1 have been brought forward and included in this release.
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The Core Team would firstly like to thank the entire community for their support of the Logo Competition. The quality of the submissions has been extremely high and has highlighted the talent that exists within the Joomla! world.
Now its back to the community for the final vote that decides the new Official Joomla! logo.
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An international consortium of web designers and developers has joined forces to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

With the launch of the Katrina Evacuee Help Center at, there is now, for the first time, a "one stop shop" for evacuees, families looking to reunite, and the people working to assist them.
A call for help was posted by Pastor Jay Dearman, who runs the site, to the Joomla! Open Source community forum five days ago. (
"There are people posting desperate messages for help in different places all over the Internet, on news sites, and on missing persons' registers," Pastor Dearman said. "We need a centralized registry and we need it fast."
As a result the international consortium was quickly formed under the leadership of Peter Koch of Switzerland.
Read more: Open Source Developers Rally to Help Katrina Evacuees
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In our current logo suggestion forum we have seen a wealth of talent from our many members. Now the Core team of Joomla! would like to officially invite entries in our logo contest. The logo contest is open to all community members and will decide the Official Logo for Joomla!. People with a great idea are encouraged to submit it regardless of their ability to render a final version.
The logo contest will run in the following format...
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The multi-award-winning team of core developers, that developed the world’s most popular content management system known as Mambo, has changed the name of their software to Joomla!
Today, the development team unveiled the Joomla! project’s new home at
The Joomla! project announcement comes three weeks after the development team unanimously voted to secure the project’s future in the spirit of open source software.
The development team formed Open Source Matters ( to distribute information to users, developers, web designers and the community in general.
Read more: Award-winning Development Team Welcomes New Arrival - Joomla!