The Joomla Project announces the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.11 [Vea]. This is a security release and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade immediately.
This release contains 26 bug fixes, two moderate-level security fixes and one low-level security fix. It has been 11 weeks since Joomla 1.5.10 was released on March 28, 2009. The Development Working Group's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community.
Click here to download Joomla 1.5.11 (Full package) »
Click here to find an update package. »
Want to test drive Joomla? Try the online demo. Documentation is available for beginners.
Please note that you should always backup your site before upgrading.
Release Notes
Check the Joomla 1.5.11 Post-Release Notes to see if there are important items and helpful hints discovered after the release.
If you have modified core template overrides, please be sure to back them up before upgrading.
One low-level and two moderate-level security issues were fixed in this release:
- Moderate Priority: Core - com_users XSS. More information »
- Moderate Priority: Core - ja_purity XSS. More information »
- Low Priority: Core - Front-end XSS. More information »
For additional information, visit the Joomla Security Center.
- Prev and Next links no longer create duplicate content with SEF URLs (13890)
- Atom feed validates for Contact Category and Weblinks Category layouts (15446)
- Article Category layout sorts correctly (15541)
- Form correctly uses JRoute for action (15551)
- Improved control over who is able to upload files (15691)
- Search results work correctly for multiple search terms with SEF URLs enabled (15853)
- RSS 2.0 feeds try to turn mailto links into absolute URLs (15909)
- Atom link in RSS feed causes validation problems (16211)
- No plugin issues were fixed in this release.
- No legacy issues were fixed for this release
- Khepri template has correct CSS icon for Article (15912)
- Align attribute in mod_mainmenu no longer causes problems for some templates (15963)
- Updated the helpsites.xml files (16397)
- Translated description for Component, Module, Plugin, etc. after installation (13898)
- Change in Montenegrin language ISO Code (16112)
- Modified Montenegrin language code to be ME from SLA for consistency (16349)
- Install language changes (16405)
- Global Configuration "Undefined Variable" warning now resolved (15699)
- Legacy code in installer premigration system causes unrelated errors (16236)
- Installation of some packages no longer fails (15701)
- Installation Version Display corrected (15913)
- JFile::getName() loses first character (16007)
- db->updateObject function outdated (15417)
- PHPDoc Comment for JFactory getDocument method incorrect (16314)
- offline.php file now has correct stylesheet (16500)
Statistics for the 1.5.11 release period:
- Joomla 1.5.11 contains:
- 26 issues fixed in SVN
- 33 commits
- Tracker activity resulted in a net increase of 13 active issues:
- 76 new reports
- 27 closed
- 25 fixed in SVN
- At the time the 1.5.11 release was packaged, the tracker had 157 active issues:
- 90 open
- 49 confirmed
- 18 pending
Joomla! Bug Squad
Thanks to the Joomla Bug Squad for their dedicated efforts investigating reports, fixing problems, and applying patches to Joomla. If you find a bug with Joomla, please report it on the 1.5 Bug Tracker.
Active members of the Joomla Bug Squad during this last release cycle include: Ian MacLennan and Mark Dexter co-coordinators; Airton Torres, Amy Stephen, Dennis Hermacki, Elin Waring, Ercan Ozkaya, Flavia Tarzwell, Gergő Erdősi, Hannes Papenberg, Jennifer Nodwell, Joe Palmer, Kevin Devine, Klas Berlič, Marieke van der Tuin, Marijke Stuivenberg, Marius van Rijnsoever, Mark Smeed, Mati Kochen, Ole Bang Ottosen, Pete Nurse, Rajesh Dhanusu, Samuel Moffatt, Shantanu Bala, Anthony Ferrera, and Wilco Jansen.
A warm welcome to the newest members of the Joomla Bug Squad: Flavia Tarzwell, Jason Johnston, Jason Powers, Julio Pontes, Mark Smeed, Omar Ramos, and Ricardo Accioly.