The Joomla Project announces the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.9 [Vatani]. This is a security release and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade immediately.
It has been around two months since Joomla 1.5.8 was released on November 10, 2008. The Development Working Group's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community.
Click here to download Joomla 1.5.9 (Full package) »
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Release Notes
Check the Joomla 1.5.9 Post-Release Notes to see if there are important items and helpful hints discovered after the release.
One low-level and one high-level security issue were fixed in this release:
- High Priority: Directory Traversal. A crafted request can allow an attacker to view directory trees on the server. Note: contents of files cannot be edited or deleted, just viewed. More information »
- Low Priority: SSL Session Token Disclosure. When running a site as SSL ONLY, if a non-SSL request is made, an attacker can obtain the session token. There is NO risk for Web sites that use both HTTP and HTTPS. More information »
For additional information, visit the Joomla Security Center.
- Fixed Contact Page so that a blank page is not displayed when vCard is not enabled, but is selected in the Contact Parameters (10680)
- Resolved problem with Category View Table where filter did not work when cache was enabled (10840)
- vCard no longer displays excess spaces (11871)
- Small change in components/com_banners/models/banner.php (12577)
- Resolved invalid XHTML 1.0 Transitional issues introduced in 1.5.7 for the Contact form (12868)
- Fixed problem that resulted in erroneous '404 - Contact not found' page for dropdown in Contact View (12989)
- Fixed Contact Category URL problems (13045)
- Fulltext Search for Uncategorized and Archived Articles is now working (13490)
- onPrepareContent issue for non-com_content Components resulting in a warning message has been resolved (13505)
- 'Change Contact Details' link now loads correct page (13542)
- Contact image not displaying in front end (13643)
- Front-end article submission no longer auto-populates, finish publishing date with same date as start publishing (13673)
- Media Manager Javascript error: "Object doesn't support this property or method" that presented for IE has been fixed (13761)
- Space between meta keywords no longer removed when saving Articles (13794)
- com_installer Module View now correctly displays Author e-mail and URL (13942)
- Robots and Author meta retained when copying Articles (13949)
- Article Archive pagination fixed (14070)
- Correction so that unregistered site visitors can no longer access PDF for registered Articles (14196)
- Hits filter in Category List fixed (14390)
- Resolved problem where "Register to read more" incorrectly redirected to Front Page, rather than Article (14392)
- Poll error message resolved (14394)
- Resolved problem where Category List failed to retain Column Sort preference when navigating to a different page (14398)
- Resolved problem in Category List where changing Display # to All in page 2 of list would display no results (12932)
- Category List now correctly shows filtering option in use (14402)
- Corrected 404 error that resulted when menu access was set to Public and Contact Item is Registered (14412)
- New modules can now be added, even when there are no modules entries already defined (11874)
- Inconsistency removed for Login/Logout Redirection page of mod_login (13611)
- JMenu getMenu() doc error corrected (13617)
- Archive Module Count Parameter and Tool Tip corrections (13694)
- STRPOS error corrected when editing Alias Menu Item (13909)
- Toolbar Image now points to an existing image (14171)
- OpenID upgraded to 2.0 protocol, now works with Yahoo (12217)
- plgSystemCache plugin now respect site and page language (12115)
- Page string in plugins/content/pagebreak.php is now properly externalized (12730)
- Legacy Plugin - Login Timeout resolved (13662)
- Access level for Plugins fixed (14106)
- Fixed OpenID Transition issues (14433)
- No issues fixed for this release
- RTL feeds PARAM is now saved in database which corrects RTL feeds in Milkyway and Beez (11235)
- CSS and XHTML valid error in JA_Purity resolved, as was invalid CSS validator link (12887)
- JA_Purity default status for Modules defined for right position now collapse correctly, when unused (12925)
- Fixed CSS errors in rhuk_milkyway/css/template_rtl.css (13517)
- Missing H1 text-align in rhuk_milkyway/css/template_rtl.css fixed (13570)
- Beez template override for com_search now displays error messages correctly (13584)
- Corrected Last Updated date for Beez Template (13632)
- Resolved inconsistencies for Beez Template Override Page Titles (13634)
- Contact image changes for Beez override (13700)
- Incorrect File Reference corrected for Beez Template (13859)
- Short PHP Notation in Beez Windows hosting bug introduced in 12798 has been fixed (14313)
- en-GB.com_statistics.ini are now correctly deleted (14391)
- Removed unnecessary string in JA_Purity template (14414)
- Removed unnecessary strings in rhuk_Milkyway template (14415)
- Language INI files that were incorrectly encoded using UTF-8 with BOM have been fixed (13499)
- Untranslated strings in en-GB.ini after SVN 11236 are fixed (13514)
- Fixed untranslated strings in com_weblinks (13608)
- Fixed untranslated strings in com_contact (13626)
- Fixed untranslated Strings in admin/mod_feed (13666)
- Spacer values are now translatable (14308)
- Fixed issue with JA_Purity spacer so that it is now translatable (14360)
- Resolved remaining English string hard-coded in mod_search (14374)
- String missing in en-GB.com_installer.ini (14389)
- Resolved untranslated language string for "Email a Friend" feature (14395)
- Tooltip language string in com_config corrected (13633)
- Added better tooltip text for the Help Server Reset button in Global Configuration System Settings (12023)
- Toolbar & value fixed for Media Manager button (12841)
- JInstallerHelper Class Function description has been corrected (13574)
- Help screens made (13616)
- Remove default filter for Super Admininistrator and fix filter whitelist problem (13770)
- Corrected error where Editor deleted content for default filter; UTF-8 compatibility is now enforced with JInputFilter (13901)
- Removed old dev.joomla.org links (14227)
- query_batch corrected for SQL error (12247)
- uri.php changes made in 1.5.7 no longer break back-end URLs if $live_site=Http has an uppercase H (12812)
- JFolder::delete bug fixed when folder contain symbolic links on folders (12939)
- Typo in sample_data.sql resolved (13549)
- License correction for PHPMailer in CREDITS.php (13811)
- Fixed error that resulted from invoking JDatabase::Query() more than once (13860)
- Cache space is now correctly released (14317)
- String bug for strspn() resolved (14339)
- Weird characters removed from LICENSES.php file (14408)
- Removed outdated link in the installer language file (14410)
- Fixed typo in Cache Manager (14434)
- Updated Archive_Tar to relicensed BSD version (12746)
Statistics for the 1.5.9 release period:
- Joomla 1.5.9 contains:
- 81 issues fixed in SVN
- 55 commits
- Tracker activity resulted in a net decrease of 1 active issue:
- 169 new reports
- 92 closed
- 81 fixed in SVN
- At the time the 1.5.9 release was packaged, the tracker had 113 active issues:
- 63 open
- 47 confirmed
- 3 pending
Joomla! Bug Squad
Thanks to the Joomla Bug Squad for their dedicated efforts investigating reports, fixing problems, and applying patches to Joomla. If you find a bug with Joomla, find out more information here on how to report the bug.
Active members of the Joomla Bug Squad during this last release cycle include: Ian MacLennan and Mark Dexter co-coordinators; Airton Torres, Arno Zijlstra, Akarawuth Tamrareang, Alan Langford, Anthony Ferrara, Amy Stephen, Andrew Eddie, Eduardo Diaz, Elin Waring, Ercan Ozkaya, Gergo Erdosi, Hannes Papenberg, Kevin Devine, Marijke Stuivenberg, Mickael Maison, Robin Muilwijk, Samuel Moffatt, Shantanu Bala, Tibor Toth, and Wilco Jansen.
A warm welcome to the newest members of the Joomla Bug Squad: Joe Sonne, Klas Berlič, and Mithun Kumar.