The November issue of the Joomla Community Magazine is here! Our stories this month:
Editors Introduction
Feature Stories
There is Never Enough Time - The Volunteer Paradox
Connecting Billions, Inspired by Millions
How to Organize a Joomla! User Group Meeting
Two Joomla! Code Sprints: Madrid and Montabaur
Upcoming Joomla! Events for November and December 2014
Google Summer of Code
Summary for Date Package, Part 2
Exploring Joomla!: Some Tips and Tricks
Outside the Box: Joomla! at php[world] Conference
How Penguin 3.0 Affected Joomla! Sites (and Your Next Steps)
How to Strengthen your Joomla! Administrator Password
International Stories
Retours du Pizza, Bugs and Fun Pro 2014 francophone
Envie de tester Joomla! ?
Joomla! à la Conférence Mondiale PHP
Un tout nouveau Répertoire de Ressources Joomla!
Allez plus loin pour vous donner plus de simplicité !
Investir dans le HTTPS est crucial pour l'intégrité de votre site...
Portuguese (Brazil)
Fora da Caixa: Joomla! na PHP Worldconference
Llegamos a la JWC como el mejor CMS PHP
Creación de una plantilla desde cero
Cambiando Joomla! de un servidor a otro
Transformando el módulo "últimos artículos" en un calendario...
Copia de seguridad y restauración con Akeeba Backup
Layouts, una alternativa de override
JoomlaDay™ Málaga
In our next issue
We want to publish your Joomla! story in the next JCM issue! So take a look at our Author Resources content to get a better idea of what we are looking for, and then register to become a JCM author and submit your Joomla! story!