J and Beyond, an International Joomla! Conference, is back for the third year.
For 3 days in May (18th -20th) Joomla! developers and site builders from over 30 countries will gather in Bad Nauheim, near Frankfurt, right in the heart of Europe.
The programme for J and Beyond is created by the participants through a public "Call for Papers" and this year for the first time we will be integrating the Joomla! Project Roadmap sessions.
J and Beyond is your opportunity to:
- Learn from others
- Present your ideas
- Plan for the future
- Meet the people behind the avatar
- AND most importantly - to have fun!
You can find out more by visiting http://jandbeyond.org.
Joomla Roadmap Meetings
The second Joomla Roadmap meeting will be taking place during J and Beyond 2012.
The purpose of this meeting is to get more people more intensely involved with the development of Joomla itself. While there will be room for on-the-fly topics, the main topics or features have been selected ahead of time based on suggestions from the community.
Bad Nauheim is right in the centre of Europe not far from Frankfurt (approx 35km). This historic spa town has become a world leading centre for medical care and recovery but is perhaps more famous for being the place where Elvis Presley was stationed during his time in the US Army.