The Flexible Platform Empowering Website Creators

Joomla! is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build web sites and powerful online applications.


Joomla! Announcements

Joomla 5.2.0 Release Candidate

Let’s celebrate! The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the release of Joomla 5.2.0 Release Candidate 1

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Joomla 5.1.4 and Joomla 4.4.8 are here!

Let’s celebrate! The Joomla! Project is pleased to announce the release of Joomla 5.1.4, alongside Joomla 4.4.8. This are bug fix releases for the 5.x and 4.x series of Joomla.

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Why Joomla?

Hundreds of developers have been improving Joomla! since the first version was released in 2005. This immense effort has made Joomla! very popular, easy to use, stable and secure.

Joomla! has thousands of free extensions and templates allowing you to customize your site to fit your specific needs.

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Development News

September 17, 2024 by Tom van der Laan
The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the availability of the Joomla 5.2 Beta 3 for testing.
September 3, 2024 by Tom van der Laan
The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the availability of the Joomla 5.2 Beta 2 for testing.

Community News

September 12, 2024 by [DOT] van [DOT] der [DOT] laan [AT] community [DOT] joomla [DOT] org (Alison Meeks
What a hellish 22 days it's been since waking up on August 21st to news Facebook took our Joomla page down for impersonation of ourselves. (not a...
September 7, 2024 by [DOT] marzo [AT] community [DOT] joomla [DOT] org (Luca Marzo
We are happy to announce that the nominations for Group 1 Officers and Department Coordinators have been finalised. The following individuals have...

Team Reports

October 4, 2024 by Sigrid Gramlinger
Duration: 1 hour 15 Mins Attendees Sigrid Gramlinger, Benjamin Trenkle, Christiane Maier-Stadtherr, Dieter Ziller, Hannes Papenberg,  Harald...
October 3, 2024 by Luca Marzo
Open Source Matters, Inc.Full Board of Directors and Officers Meeting Date: October 03, 2024Time: 17:00 UTCTotal time of meeting: 1 hour 30...

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Joomla 2.5.0 Released

The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Joomla 2.5.0. This is a security release. Version 2.5.0 is is the next update from version 1.7. (Note that we have skipped from version 1.7.x to 2.5.x.)

Version 2.5.0 is the second release made within the new six-month release cycle that started with the delivery of Joomla 1.6 in January 2011. Version 2.5 is also a long-term-support (LTS) release that will be supported for at least 18 months.

The Production Leadership Team's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community. Learn more about Joomla! development at the Developer Site.

Version 1.7 will reach end of life one month from today, on 24 February 2012. All users of version 1.7 should update to version 2.5.0 before that time. The update process is very simple, and complete instructions are available here. Note that there are now easier and better ways of updating than FTPing the files.


New Installations: Click here to download Joomla 2.5.0 (Full package) »

Update Package: Click here to download Joomla 2.5.0 (Update package) »

Note: Please read the update instructions before updating.


Want to test drive Joomla? Try the online demo. Documentation is available for beginners.

Please note that you should always backup your site before upgrading.

Release Notes

Check the Joomla 2.5.0 Post-Release FAQs to see if there are important items and helpful hints discovered after the release.

Statistics for the 2.5.0 release period (14 November 2011 to 24 January 2012)

  • Joomla 2.5.0 contains:
    • 26 new features added
    • 4 security issues fixed
    • 356 tracker issues fixed

Joomla 2.5.0 uses version 11.4 of the Joomlal Platform.

New Features Added

In addition to the new Joomla Platform, the following new features have been added, with links to the Feature tracker issue.

Security Issues Fixed

  • Low Priority - Core - Information Disclosure.
  • Medium Priority - Core - XSS Vulnerability.
  • Low Priority - Core - Information Disclosure.
  • Medium Priority - Core - XSS Vulnerability.

Tracker Issues Fixed

23890 Edit own action in User Manager** ACL
24602 Users with create rights in a category but not component can't create subcategories** ACL
27216 Edit state option does not work as expected on front end ACL
27606 Code cleaning for user notes ACL
27761 No parent categories showing in one scenario ACL
27766 ACL Issues when user has edit (but not create) permission in specific categories. ACL
20899 Changing 'Home' to a 'External Link' or 'Menu Item Alias' causes '404 Component Not Found' error on Administration
22158 Templates are still available for assignment after being unpublished Administration
22178 When 'No Editor' is selected for user HTML still re-formats when a file is saved.. Administration
22425 Improve .htaccess rewrite efficency Administration
22564 Temp folder has to include JPATH_ROOT for gz extension upload to work Administration
23696 Menus creation fail with 1.5-style menus metadata: using SimpleXMLElement attributes missing (string Administration
23827 Option to display Blog subcategory content within Blog is missing Administration
23837 *Installation unexpectedly terminated: Method not supported for this extension type: template + Administration
23849 Toolbar images are not properly centered over their text in IE8 - Bluestork Administration
23891 Toggle enabled state in User Manager Administration
23897 Bug in profile edition on admin side Administration
23918 the filter 'Hide protected extensions' is selected when all extensions are selected Administration
23938 Fix a couple of issues related to path configuration Administration
23939 No empty menus in menu Administration
23946 Fix various IE7 issues with Hathor Administration
24015 Web services configuration option still there Administration
24028 Can't bulk delete users Administration
24038 Menu views blanked out in menu item type select modal in Hathor Administration
24039 More PHP strict compatibility fixes Administration
24040 Move hardcoded bluestork image in mod_logged to media/system Administration
24043 In Chrome the pagination buttons are misaligned in admin Hathor plus remove duplicate css Administration
24092 View administrator/index.php?option=com_languages&view=installed displays site AND admin languag Administration
24114 Article editor fails to define global settings if plugin disabled and still set at default Administration
24138 Hathor security css and image update/fixes Administration
24139 A couple of possible extraneous images in Admin Administration
24160 Backend com_languages XXS Administration
24169 Hathor security review fixes Administration
24255 Fix background color in high contrast batch fieldsets Administration
24292 Refresh Cache in Extension Manager: Failed loading XML file Administration
24305 3rd party components install in location "site" instead of "administrator" Administration
24328 Inconsistent term for User Group Administration
24336 *PHP warning in extension manger Administration
24360 User Profile Date showing wrong Birthday date Administration
24457 Language fixes and new warnings for com_installer Administration
24475 Multiple groups are a problem in the user manager Administration
24523 Improve the cpanel of admin templates + correting some errors Administration
24558 Improve the Directory Permissions in com_admin Administration
24599 Templates filter searches all extensions Administration
24736 Don't always load Mootools (More) in the backend. Administration
24835 Administrator (with a capital A) does weird stuff Administration
24881 Problems with aliases when there is a menu alias menu type Administration
24884 Missing messages for some menu item types having no Basic Options Administration
24887 Incorrect redirection after saving an admin module Administration
25006 Alternative Layout Not Implemented in com_search com_users Administration
25088 *Systeminformation > Directory Permissions: List incomplete Administration
25239 Cant set template style Administration
25262 Logout in administration menu not working Administration
25447 New feature: Add Site name after Page title Administration
25650 Can't insert image for menu item Administration
25730 Incorrect call of onUserBeforeSave while blocking/activating user in backend plugins aren't loaded Administration
25739 Batch actions for articles Administration
25796 *Editing template files is impossible if Codemirror and editor None are disabled Administration
26041 Menu type manager slows down considerably as menu tree gets larger Administration
26069 Don't render <meta name="rights"> when it has no content. Administration
26221 Disabling admin module Title breaks layout Administration
26293 The com_config component does not refresh current component page when clicking on Save & Close Administration
26370 Remove the module position preview icons if the option is disabled Administration
26378 Template and module managers using different icons for duplicate Administration
26582 Recursive permanent deletion of nested categories Administration
26821 Plug-in Manager problem mixing pagination and filter Administration
26893 Text Filter settings ignored in Category Manager Administration
27124 Plug-Ins Manager missing string on no results Administration
27158 Fatal PHP Error on calling method JMenuSite::getDefault() in Administrator Administration
27177 Joomla! automatically adds the From email address to the Replyto email array Administration
27257 Unexpected behavior of children in Categories and Menu Items Administration
27258 Wrong # cols in tfoot of Installer view from com_languages Administration
27259 Remove diff files from installation folder Administration
27370 Search Result Menu Administration
27400 Strict standards: Declaration of CategoriesModelCategory Administration
27401 Strict standards: Declaration of TemplatesModelStyle Administration
27405 Menu item save as copy does not work Administration
27411 *Batch language action broken for categories. Administration
27451 Add a Admin Menu Item for adding a New User Notes Category Administration
27469 Fixing Update Notification to call specific icons Administration
27478 Extension Database screen has malformed slider with no errors Administration
27488 JInstaller: :Install: Error on upgrade 1.7.3 to 2.5 Beta 1 Administration
27492 SQL Date issue Administration
27519 Setting a home menu item with language duplicates the menu Administration
27534 * regression : Message when trashing/publishing/etc. items does not reflect anymore the number of it Administration
27543 Double Slashes with CodeMirror use Administration
27551 Smart Search patch to show warning if content plug-in not enabled Administration
27557 Code style fix and Hathor CSS fixes to Extensions/Installer Administration
27577 Clean up of various things in com_templates Administration
27631 Smart Search indexing does not properly account for item published states Administration
27638 Web links metadata fields missing from user interface Administration
27640 logs/error.php visible to anyone Administration
27671 Hathor Global configuration not working Administration
27683 *Smartsearch remaining issues after commit #27565 ** Administration
27696 Add a context to onGetIcon event Administration
27707 *Regression: Debug on breaks template assignments to menu items Administration
27798 Tracker #27896 messed up CSS in Hathor control panel Administration
27799 Php errors in smart search content map tab in Hathor Administration
27812 image float issues Administration
27287 com_users fail to redirect properly on login failure Authentication and Login
27436 User Notes breaks admin login for some groups Authentication and Login
25491 Incorrect check in page_heading in weblinks Code Quality
27117 More autoformatting fixes Code Quality
27137 End of line inconsistencies Code Quality
27252 Remove calls to import() that are now handled by the platform Code Quality
27255 Fix some E_STRICT warnings Code Quality
27261 strict standards on initialise Code Quality
27383 PHP 5.3 Strict Mode complains aboiut Strict Standards on some methods Code Quality
27395 another strict when click on image tab in editor area Code Quality
27398 *Strict standards BannersModelBanners::getItems() Code Quality
27402 *Simplifying code for copy title/alias for menu item Code Quality
27406 Use JDate::toSql() Code Quality
27409 Remove unnecessary import calls and fix up docblocks Code Quality
27416 *Strict in com_users Code Quality
27447 Fix the use of several deprecated functions Code Quality
27470 Tweaks to CLI scripts Code Quality
27484 Updates for Finder plugins Code Quality
27491 Fix JFormFieldFilters Code Quality
27498 Strict Standards: and other finder bugs Code Quality
27563 Author tag in xml Code Quality
27580 Smart Search - Duplicate Code Cleanup Strict Errors with FinderControllerUpdater Code Quality
27676 SQL Server - Fix MySQL Specific Query in administrator/includes/application.php Code Quality
27736 Remove the use of more deprecated functions Code Quality
27740 Remove files that are now linked Code Quality
27747 Strict standards: Module manager Code Quality
27793 Notice errors in Hathor article edit Code Quality
27795 Strict standards: Declaration of LanguagesModelLanguage::delete() should be compatible with that of Code Quality
27810 *Strict error when creating/editing a Content Language Code Quality
24533 Last updated on article without updating it bugs Components
25643 JComponentHelper::renderComponent assumes $app variable unchanged Components
25790 Some queries not correctly dealing with trash Components
26642 user registration model should always use frontend urls Components
26816 Extension manager - modules status Components
26887 Duplicated (unnecesary) pagination code in featured contact's default_items.php Components
26895 Unused code Com_Contact Components
26974 Article button for wysiwyg creating links different from links created by menu items Components
26982 *Articles filtering parameters not implemented for Contacts 'Other information' Components
27189 Spelling mistake in com_menu function name incorrect Components
27273 Sorting broken in com_contact single category view Components
27342 *Type display in Plugin Manager "Select Type" filter dropdown broken Components
27392 MenusHelper::getAssociations() returns invalid data if no associations Components
27393 undefined $option com_media Components
27481 Update finder to 2.5 databases cleaning Components
27486 Smart Search db errors on upgraded 1.7.2 to 2.5 b1 Components
27524 Smart Search index does not auto update Components
27552 Bad character in Smart Search newsfeeds plug-in Components
27573 Incorrect route created by Smart Search contact plug-in Components
27605 Smart Search caching issues. Components
27653 *patch for captcha fields on reset remind and contact forms Components
27654 Smart Search - Fix use of CHAR_LENGTH MySQL command Components
27664 SQL Server - Language column in grids displays as "Undefined" if item language set to All Components
27689 Smart Search sorting issues** Components
27694 *Finder search broken because of filters Country and Region Components
27708 Com_content arrticle view params: image and links -> Position Links/URLS Components
27717 error saving _finder_tokens with big articles Components
27730 Smart Search stemmer support not working** Components
27791 SQL Server - Cannot access Smart Search Filter Edit View Components
27050 com_newsfeeds fix - mysql specific query fixed Database
27413 Two fixes to Database files to support seamless installation on multidb Database
27442 Add the #__user_notes table in sqlsrv and sqlazure Database
27443 get_table_constraints renamed to getTableConstraints to support backup in sqlserver Database
27452 SQLServer nameQuote Database
27453 toSQL Date format Database
27454 SQLQuery with function! Database
27455 Group by clause in articles missing 2 new columns Database
27458 Menu Manager error: Strict standards: Declaration of MenusModelItem::batch() Database
27459 NameQuote missing for sqlsrv to handle reserved words like "option" Database
27461 Query issue in SQLServer Database
27464 com_config - db query standardized Database
27465 SQLAzure /SQLServer specific -- duplicate class loader issue Database
27479 Finder schema to support SQLServer Database
27574 Error in opening Joomla 2.5 website if no database available Database
27607 Sample Data for SQLServer and SQLAzure Database
27608 Usernotes had db specific query Database
27630 Issue with replacePrefix -- valid only for SQLServer Database
27634 PHP Strict error for SQLServer Database
27649 unique identifier it convert into corresponding text. Database
27650 sample sites - category not found Database
27672 Toggle registered users in user manager Database
27673 Sort in Users management - backend Database
27719 SQL Server - Error updating #__schemas table Database
27752 Smart Search - "web page not found error" Database
27753 500 error in Language Manager - DB specific Database
27754 404 category not found - due to syntax change in platform Database
27760 500 error in Tempaate Manager - DB specific Database
27764 server not found error in Extension Manager - DB specific Database
27785 Internationalization support for Joomla on SQLAzure is breaking. Database
27789 SQL Server - Smart Search Statistics view fails to load Database
26805 Update MooTools to version 1.4 and SqueezeBox to 1.3 External Libraries
24712 Module template and plugin preprocess forms not passing content group or any group to allow editin Forms
25291 Front end clear link for media field and file field closes form Forms
27131 Adding 'Last' in menu item ordering Forms
27246 JFormFieldTimezone default value not set Forms
27407 Use the new JFormFieldPlugins Forms
27467 Use the new url filtering for fields Forms
27635 JForm issue with Fabrik - proposed solution Forms
27670 Something in 22409 broke frontend editing of weblinks Front End
27206 Wrong length of #__newsfeeds alias column in joomla.sql Installation
27228 Remove the prefix check in the installation since it's buggy Installation
27340 * Bug in preinstall check Installation
27346 *Installation problem on step 1 - server without JSON Installation
27368 JInstaller::getInstance() not returning a global object Installation
27450 Update version information and add new extensions to installation Installation
27472 Global Text Filter Default values not added to joomla.sql Installation
27516 Step 6 of Joomla 2.5b1 Installation CSS/Layout errors Installation
27523 Failed loading XML file mod_finder_status.xml Installation
27646 *Add a check for Magic Quotes GPC to the installation Installation
27657 *Multidb: can not install without mysql support Installation
27678 PHP 5.4 (E_STRICT): installation fails due to strict warnings Installation
27681 Database check feature improvements Installation
27787 Installation Folder not directory Installation
26442 In banners module open link in popup window does not work. Javascript
26597 Fix JavaScript that relies on MooTools 1.2 ** Javascript
27408 Fix some of the new Javascript Javascript
27520 Smart Search Filter / Fx.Scroll Javascript
26721 Cache calls function "getHeadData" which is not defined in "JDocumentRaw" Joomla! Libraries
27349 Replace deprecated method getEscaped Joomla! Libraries
27656 Backward compatibility issue with JRules() and JRule() Joomla! Libraries
27702 Error in sql query Joomla! Libraries
27790 *Error on uninstalling language pack since 2.5beta Joomla! Libraries
26380 Menu items of different languages can't have same alias menu items are cached for each user Languages
27118 *Login Module redirects issue with multilanguage Languages
27163 Inaccurate language string for empty Introtext Languages
27196 Unable to add a trashed Content Language again Languages
27233 Language String Changes for Consistency Languages
27289 bad english in en-GB.mod_syndicate.ini Languages
27294 *Validation through W3C broken on multilanguage sites Languages
27308 Backend or back-end Languages
27309 centred spelling en-GB Languages
27310 sef or SEF Languages
27311 normally not normaly - spelling Languages
27312 Logged in or Logged-in Languages
27313 template component language Languages
27314 Login component language Languages
27315 utilize not en-GB Languages
27316 customize not en-GB Languages
27367 Capitalise quick icon Languages
27391 *Alternate meta tags for multilingual sites Languages
27533 Untranslated strings in Smart Search module Languages
27537 Missing capitalisation in en-GB.com_users.ini Languages
27539 Finder / Smart Search language Languages
27556 * Smart Search ALL language displays as * Languages
27564 Capitalisation of extension names in language files Languages
27565 Move Smart Search content type-specific language strings into their respective plug-ins Languages
27570 Link in Plug-in Manager: System - Language Code Languages
27572 Give contact email label its own string Languages
27588 Email or e-mail inconsistency Languages
27589 id or ID inconsistency Languages
27590 br fixes Languages
27591 URL capitalisation Languages
27593 itemID consistency Languages
27594 UTF-8 consistency Languages
27720 Remove unused strings from en-GB.com_finder.sys.ini Languages
27723 Improve tool tip and label for manage permission Languages
27746 *Useless 'language' information in Sys info Languages
27756 Duplicated keys at language files. Languages
27767 Inconsistency of "Status" translation in plugin and user manager Languages
27541 trouble with broken Intro image Layouts
27786 Unescaped code in com_content Layouts
26100 com_media image button upload using file_path not image_path param for base path** Media Manager
24634 Menu items don't become active (i.e. highlight) if the Menu Item Type is "Menu Item Alias" Modules
26581 Link to users profiles on latest user and whos online Modules
26731 Broken module chrome when using 'New window without navigation' Modules
27184 Fatal error: Call to undefined method JDocumentFeed::getHeadData() in /home/content/53/8127853/html/ Modules
27190 When Global Cache enabled sub menus don't expand Modules
27200 modMenuHelper references non-existent parameter Modules
27325 Wrong module language file names in mod_articles_popular.xml Modules
27584 Search from smart search module is producing two item ids. ** Modules
27691 Active taxonomy nodes are ignored in Smart Search module Modules
23882 JForm::getGroup() not properly generating nested group names Platform
24796 Error removing styles in uninstall function Platform
24919 JHtml::_('grid.boolean' $i $value) should add void(0) if not given a task Platform
25288 Media form field is not allowed access to media manager in the front end Platform
25957 wrong behaviour of libraries/joomla/application/module/JModuleHelper:moduleCache() Platform
26095 Follow on to 25462 for plugin uninstall Platform
26275 Joomla automatic add meta robots=index follow Platform
26421 Add a context to JHtmlContent::prepare Platform
26493 Class 'JRequest' not found in session.php Platform
26508 Wrong default format in JParameter->bind() Platform
26612 Contacts Component sets Reply-To incorrectly in 1.7 Platform
26632 Inconsistent operation of user field type Platform
26636 Forgotten JRoute:_ in JControllerForm Platform
26877 Wrong parameter to validation error Platform
27046 Problems by usergroups with the same name. Platform
27102 Collection updater not working in Joomla! 1.7 Platform
27138 Strict standard error in JCache::_getStorage() Platform
27141 Adding the possibility to automatically load (un)compressed css and js file whether debug in on or o Platform
27191 Move garbagecron.txt to the cli folder. Platform
27197 Backport the autoloader from the platform Platform
27201 More syncing with platform 11.3 Platform
27212 Test CMS migration for platform 11.3 Platform
27280 Invalid foreach in com_content route* Platform
27284 Strict standards: News feeds do not display when error_reporting is set to E_STRICT Platform
27295 Start fading out the use of deprecated platform APIs Platform
27387 Catch up to the current platform Platform
27415 Missing platform change for update notification Platform
27449 Synch up with platform changes as of CMS beta 2.5 Platform
27497 Fatal error: Cannot access protected property JLibraryManifest::$libraryname Platform
27575 *Useless replacement for alias in filter output Platform
27587 Update Generator Tag Platform
27686 Backport some fixes from the platform Platform
27722 protected function dayToString($day $abbr = false) Why protected Platform
27745 Backport joomla platform pull requests #704 #718 #738 #739 #746 and #747. Platform
27778 JFormField uses get_called_class method that is not compatible with PHP 5.2.4 Platform
27783 *JLanguage: Avoid BOM error when debug as BOM is OK when using parse_ini Platform
25086 "Image" button in tinyMCE is missing when creating new content Plugins
26643 Profile Plugin is not allowing different settings for register and profile Plugins
26676 Fields with multi select in the profile won't work** Plugins
26778 Update TinyMCE to 3.4.7 Plugins
27011 Page Navigation rel next/prev back to front Plugins
27231 Authentication plugins use deprecated features of joomla platform Plugins
27241 *Some search plugins do not query for the created date Plugins
27286 plg_profile: Missing server side validation Plugins
27376 Fix: Debug plugin reloaded tm Plugins
27382 Add appropriatestyling to system debug plugin Plugins
27435 * Plugin redirect patch Plugins
27468 script.php needs to delete one more folder Plugins
27502 JS Error: #plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate does not exist Plugins
27579 Smart Search search term highlighting not working** Plugins
27665 Smart search content plug-in screen name Plugins
27667 Move the debug CSS to its own file Plugins
27729 reCaptcha is installing as default in Global Config causing errors on frontend Plugins
27768 reCaptcha always shows up in english Plugins
27508 mod_status is mirroring incorrect in RTL admin panel RTL
25997 Fix missing article itemid in com_contact Search Engine Friendly
26626 web.config malfunction - need IIS tester Search Engine Friendly
27341 Incorrect Article Order in Sample Data SQL Files
27351 Modify default permissions for Admin Group SQL Files
27372 Configuration.php-dist for multi-db SQL Files
27444 Sample Data for SQLServer and SQLAzure sync SQL Files
27471 *Updating 1.7.0 with 2.5 beta update package does not install Finder SQL Files
27535 Review and corrections to sample content SQL Files
27712 Errors in joomla.sql SQL Files
27782 There is an unneeded row in sample data SQL Files
27248 Default Beez templates hard coded paths Templates
27288 Pagination and page navigation in default templates can look broken in front end. Templates
27324 Joomla! Administration Login box has very SMALL margin at the bottom. Templates
27414 Implement a administrator/templates/hathor/html/com_users/notes/default.php layout in hathor plus ot Templates
27417 Options have replaced preferences Templates
27482 Changesearch/ finder template image references Templates
27493 Beez 5 has a Beez 2 language key Templates
27501 Bluestork template image error Templates
27601 Move the highlighter CSS to templates/system/css/system.css Templates
27742 The new links in article lack styling flexibility plus fix invalid html Templates
27804 *Syntax error in templates.php Templates
27808 float of full article image is not affected at all Templates
23644 When adding a new item from a category view that category should be selected** User Interface
26635 (patch) Enhancement to update listing to show infourl items User Interface
27483 Add back search/finder images User Interface
27510 *Smart Search does not show up in fliter User Interface
27540 Finder / Smart Search selectbox order User Interface
27571 Missing or incorrect help screen key references User Interface
27595 *regression: Multilanguage template styles do not display flags when homes set for a Content languag User Interface
27636 Option to disable Smart Search autocompleter missing from user interface User Interface
27771 Indicate unpublished categories in category edit drop down User Interface
26589 unexpected behaviour in RSS with feed email Web Services

Joomla! Bug Squad

Thanks to the Joomla Bug Squad for their dedicated efforts investigating reports, fixing problems, and applying patches to Joomla. If you find a bug in Joomla, please report it on the Joomla! CMS Issue Tracker.

Active members of the Joomla Bug Squad during this last release cycle include: A Firoozmandan, Akarawuth Tamrareang, Alain Rivest, Andrea Tarr, Andrew Eddie, Ashwin Date, Bill Richardson, Brian Teeman, Chris Davenport, Christophe Demko, Denise McLaurin, Dennis Hermacki, Elin Waring, Emerson Rocha Luiz, Francisco Marzoa, Ian MacLennan, Jacob Waisner, Jacques Rentzke, James Brice, Janich Rasmussen, Jean-Marie Simonet, Jennifer Marriott, Jeremy Wilken, Kevin Griffiths, Loyd Headrick, Mark Dexter, Matt Thomas, Michael Babker, Mutuga Kigumi, Neil McNulty, Nikolai Plath, Ofer Cohen, Prasit Gebsaap, Rachmat Wakjaer, Rob Clayburn, Roland Dalmulder, Rouven Weßling, Rune Sjøen, Samuel Moffatt, Shaun Maunder, Sudhi Seshachala, Tim Plummer, Tom Fuller, Troy Hall, Viet Hoang Vu.

Bug Squad Leadership: Mark Dexter Coordinator; Elin Waring and Marijke Stuivenberg, Team Leaders.

Joomla! Security Strike Team

A big thanks to the Joomla! Security Strike Team for their ongoing work to keep Joomla secure. Members include: Airton Torres, Alan Langford, Bill Richardson, Elin Waring, Jason Kendall, Marijke Stuivenberg, Mark Dexter, Omar Ramos, Rouven Weßling, Samuel Moffatt.