Joomla is 18! and Extended Security Support for Joomla 3

Today Joomla is 18 years old. It is also 2 years since the release of Joomla! 4, and the end of official support from the Joomla Volunteer Community for Joomla! 3

A huge debate of gratitude is owed to everyone who worked on the Joomla 3 series. Many businesses owe their success to Joomla 3, and it has been a long and productive journey.

If you still have a joomla 3 site, you will have a notice in the administrator section, which reads.

"Support has ended for your version of Joomla 3.10. Migrate to Joomla 4 as soon as possible."

We encourage everyone with a Joomla 3 site to migrate to Joomla 4, as this is where the communities focus lies. In a few months, Joomla 5 will bring even more stability, speed, security and functionality to your sites.

A few may not want to migrate because there are using mission-critical extensions that have not migrated yet or the site has extensive customisation, and it is just not practical.

The volunteer support for Joomla 3.10 has been provided by Tobias Zulauf, and it is fitting that as his time as the release manager for Joomla 3,10 comes to an end, the Production Department coordinator has paid this tribute to Tobias in our community magazine.

To help people who are caught in this situation, Opens Source Matters put out an RFP in February 2023

The solution and how it will work was outlined by David Jardin in last month's community magazine

It is a difficult balance to pull off; on the one hand, as a project, we want as many sites as possible to move forward to the latest version of Joomla, but we do not want to leave those who cannot without support. Pushing hard for all to migrate but providing this commercial safety net when needed is the best balance.

If you need Extended Long Term Support (eLTS), you can find details on their site